The House Rabbit Network (HRN) is a rabbit adoption and rescue organization of which I am very familiar with as Mr. Mayhem and I often have them bunnysit our two adorable buns. On Tuesday, October 21st from 4-9 pm they will be holding a fundraiser at Flatbread restaurant in Bedford. Order pizza and Flatbread will donate a percentage of their profits to HRN. In addition, you can buy tickets for a menagerie of auction items including a facial rejuvenation treatment ($450 value), a pair of ski passes good for skiing at Wachusett Mountain ($98 value), Legal Seafood gift card ($50 value), an autographed photo of Kevin Youkilis at bat, and ...... wait for it...... 2 tickets to a Boston Massacre bout! Oh yeah. More info here.
And now I have an excuse to put up some photos of my bunnies: