Bout #1, 5 pm: Boston Massacre vs. Rocky Mountain Rollergirls (Denver, Colorado)
Bout #2, 7 pm: Cosmonaughties vs. Wicked Pissahs
Halftime sets by The Downbeat 5
After party in the Fez Room with DJ John Barera
Doors at 4 pm, Bout #1 at 5 pm, Bout #2 at 7 pm
Shriners Auditorium, Wilmington, MA
No car? Commuter rail, Zipcar, and ride sharing suggestions
Tickets $14 in advance, $16 at the door
VIP tickets $20 online only—Available until midnight on Saturday, May 9. Includes guaranteed seating between turns 1 and 2, merch goodies, and skating waitresses so you'll never have to wait in line for concessions.
Bring a canned good to be donated to the Greater Boston Food Bank and get derby swag including pins, stickers, and signed posters.
Bout #1: At the June 2008 East Coast Extravaganza, the Massacre took on the Rocky Mountain Roller Girls and lost by just 18 points as RMRG pulled away in the final jams. Will home rink advantage turn things in the Massacre's favor this time? Or will Rocky Mountain's high-altitude endurance give them an insurmountable edge? Read a recap of the June 2008 bout.
Bout #2: It's been 11 months since the Cosmos and Pissahs last took the track together in the Season Two championship bout. Both teams have lost top players to the Boston Masscre roster, with the Cosmos missing star jammers Claire D. Way and Maura Buse, and the Pissahs now minus Shellby Shattered and 2008 Wicked Pissah rookie of the year KrushPuppy. But in the meantime, new stars are emerging: keep your eyes on Cosmo co-captain and jammer Mrs. Dash as well as Varga Bomber, co-captain of the Pissahs and making her mark as a fearsome pivot.
Oh, yeah, and I'm skating in this one! Whoohoo!