And then I was able to watch the second and third periods of the bout. I thought that the score (119-69) didn't accurately reflect Virginia's performance, which was pretty good. I mean, obviously we rocked, but they put up a good fight and it was a fun bout to watch. My favorite moments were when Ivana Clobber got to jam and when Shelby Shattered jammed. I think it was the first time jamming during a bout for both skaters, and they were amazing. Clobber was so excited to jam I thought she was going to explode. And then at the end of the jam she skated right into a giant group hug from her teammates. So nice.
The other highlight of the bout for me was Pinchette, the Massacre mascot, played for the first time by my friend Amy Mertl. She was a huge hit (especially with the guys, I suspect). Running up and down the bleachers, getting high-fives with her claws, getting everyone to wave their arms back and forth. She even took requests -- when a guy from the audience yelled for her to "do the robot," she did. And that ain't easy in a giant lobster outfit! I wish I had gotten a video of that! And all of that with a costume that was literally being held together with safety pins, duct tape, and staples! She's so awesome!
Image: Pinchette McMasshole and Vicious. More bout photos (heavy on the lobstah) here.
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